Monday, August 18, 2014

About Me

I’m Andrea Chau.

Stuff about me:

I like:
-the movie How to Train a Dragon 2.
-the novel Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins.
-to draw pictures of people.
-to take photographs of my obnoxious and annoying sister.
-to write short stories about abstract experiences.
-the plain flavor of ice cream, Chocolate, the most.
-to drink Tortilla Soups.
-Fanta from Europe.
-to order BBQ Chicken with Bacon Pizzas from Dominos.
-to read stories online.
-to listen to Alternative music.
-the bands Magic Man, The Lighthouse and The Whaler and Phox.
-to listen to movie soundtracks including Jónsi and John Powell.
-eat chocolate.
-annoy my sister as much as possible.
-interior design. 

I hate:
-when my sister bothers me when I’m doing my work.

My sister and I always watch movies over and over again, yet we never get sick of it. This includes Frozen and How to Train a Dragon

That’s all about me!

This blog was created for a math class called Honors Math Analysis or PreCalc taught by Miss V, the Queen of Mathland. She loves math and she even created her own world for math called MATHLAND! This is where we rant about math and what she teaches us each week.

Welcome to Mathland!

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