Friday, September 12, 2014

Week 4: Piece Wise Functions

This week we continued on with Chapter 2 on Functions, however, the main priority was Piecewise Functions.

Piecewise functions are functions that are discontinous or continious with graphing.
One example is:

Continuous functions have no holes or gaps while discontinious do.
First you would just graph the first part as you would normally graph it. Like the equation above for x+1. You would graph it like a point-slope function. You then would look at the x is greater than or less then or etc. to see which side you keep and if the equation should have a whole or a dot. Another type of equation we studied in class is the Greatest Integer Function.
It would usually look like: ⟦x⟧

Above are two examples of how it looks like. If you add a two or any other number, it would slop, which is slide opposite.
Lastly then is Absolute Value Function
It is the exact same thing as a regular function but has absolute value signs instead of paranthesis.

If you had y= |-3x+2|
You would ignore the absolute signs and graph it. Once you graph it, you make sure everything that once was negative is postive. So one side would go up making a V shape.
The same would happen with a parabola if it was negative. It would look like a weird W in the end.

That is what we did this week with Piecewise Functions.
See You Next week!

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