Thursday, October 30, 2014

Week 11: Tangent Graph

This week we covered more Trigonometry and the blog this week is on the Tangent Graph.

The Tangent Graph is very different from sine and cosine as sine and cosine do not need asymptotes nor does it move upward for infiniti.

The Tangent Graph moves upward and only at the origin does it change. Below is what the tangent graph would look like

The graph makes a sudden twist at the origin and then goes on forever without touching the asymptotes and then more graphs are created to the right and left of each graph. 

the tangent equation is: y = a tan (bx+c) + d

To find the asymptotes of an equation you would use the equation:
π/2 + kπ
or -π/2b and π/2b

to find the period of the equation: π/b

To find the x-intercept you put (bx+c)=nπ

a is the amplitude and the amplitude of the equation is where the turn is created. For the equation above, the amplitude is 1 and so it turns at 1 and -1.

This is one of the trig functions used. All the other trig functions will be mentioned in the next post. 

This is what was covered for the tangent graph.


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