Monday, January 5, 2015

New Year, New Semester

Last semester was filled with interesting topics including review from Algebra 2 to material on Trigonometry. However, there many things that I was able to do well and successfully during last semester.

Last Semester I was able to constantly stay on top of all the blogs being posted, look at past material covered and also to memorize formulas and other topics being handled.

I however, still had some struggles. I had to improve in many other areas. I had to study more for the tests and quizzes and to not simply rely on material remembered but other different concepts, to follow up with simple mistakes to correct them to make them right, and to spray to do all the math homework to the best of my abilities. 

Sure math was difficult in certain areas, but it is about going over those bumps to achieve and learn what is necessary. Certain trig functions helped me in the SAT tests, and also in simple logic in physics.

Last semester was in some ways, I bit rough, but this is now a new semester, a new time, a new year. 

To close with this, during Christmas Break, I had to go to a SAT bootcamp. It was exhausting but it pushed me to do better. Of course, that was not my greatest moment. My greatest moment was when I realized and thought of Christmas again; not as a Christmas story but as a story for Christmas. People see Christmas as a time to get. It may not appear that way, but that is how it is. I always felt selfish with the ways I say, I didn't get a present. So when I realized, it's not about getting but giving, it surely made my Christmas season. 

But to put a twist to that, last Saturday, my parents were having a cousins outing. I somehow was including and we went to a sushi place called Sushi Damu. Funny name but funny time. It was an all you can eat sushi restaurant. We had three different tables and we were all ordering. When we were ordering, we thought the portions were by four so we ordered two of each. When the food arrived, the waiter said, "Good Luck." What? 

There was so much food that it was over the table and we had to give food to the other tables. How were we going to finish all of this. There were so many plates it was overwhelming. We finished almost all of it, except about three plates out of a million, with our stomachs about to burst. 

We all decided, we will never eat sushi ever again.

I ate sushi the next day

The End.


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